My Kinesiology Journey

Kinesiology changed my life back in 2000. Following my first session I knew there was something transformative about this therapy. Through muscle monitoring the practitioner was able to identify the underlying stress, which in my case was unacknowledged grief manifesting emotionally as anger & self-isolation. The result of this awareness brought on an immediate emotional release. I walked away from that session feeling as though a weight had been lifted. Having clarity of the unacknowledged and unexpressed grief that had been impacting my emotional wellbeing had been lifted and I felt light and happy.

Fast forward to 2017, I commenced my Neuroenergetic Kinesiology training with Hugo Tobar’s NK Institute and now a qualified professional practitioner with the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA). I’ve completed training with US based Steven Hansen’s Auto-Immune & Pathogen Infection work. Australian Bush Flower Essences Level 1 Practitioner. I have also trained in Reiki, Pellowah and Astrology, which I’ve found as a valuable tool for self-enquiry.

I have always had a passion for health and a curiosity in alternative health approaches and self-improvement. From a young age I suffered from reoccurring eczema flare ups, which was at times debilitating. Finding no long-term success with the use of cortisone creams, I started looking into natural therapies. Through this exploration, receiving treatments and seeing my skin and overall health transform, I developed a greater understanding and respect for my body and what it was trying to tell me. Although at times challenging, it empowered me knowing that I have more influence over my health than I believed I did.

What I love about Kinesiology is that it provides you information where you can learn more about yourself. It’s an incredibly self-empowering therapy that gets to the heart of the issue. Kinesiology acknowledges that we are more than just the physical. The emotional, psychological and energetic systems all play an important part and are key to good health and wellbeing.


Certifications & Training

Diploma of Kinesiology (NeuroEnergetic)

NK Institute

Advanced NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology Training

NK Institute

Australian Bush Flower Essences

Level 1 Practitioner

AutoImmune, Infection Pathways & KABS

Dynamic Energies

Primitive Reflexes & Brain Gym

Tracey Tinker

Om Reiki

Pellowah 1 & 2

Bertelina Canales & Om Reiki

Reiki 1

Julie Deitz


Personally Kinesiology has helped me improve issues with skin, digestion, anxiety, relationships, grief, confidence, communication, boundaries, connecting with my intuition, just to name a few.

- Elise Guy