Reconnect with your inner wisdom.
Benefits of Kinesiology
An iceberg is my favourite analogy to describe what kinesiology does. The underwater depths of the iceberg, the hidden stuff, is our unconscious and influences us and the decisions we make. It has the best intentions to keep us safe, but that judgement may not be coming from our most empowered place, which is preventing good health and healing. My role is to help you identify and diffuse the stress that’s happening under the surface, contributing to the energy block. Working with stress on an energetic level effects our whole being, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, which is what makes it such an empowering and life-changing therapy.
NeuroEnergetic Support
As a Neuroenergetic Kinesiologist, I have balancing protocols that can assist with the following areas of health
Brain pathways of emotional processing. Some pathways include fear, rage, panic, sleep, addiction, confusion, short & long-term stress.
Hormonal systems of the body along with the different types of hormones and their specific regulatory functions such as digestive, thymus, pancreas, hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal stress, reproductive, pregnancy and menopause pathways.
Balancing the processes of digestion, metabolism, energy production and toxin elimination. Dietary pathways, epigenetics and chromosomes.
Biochemical and physiological aspects of the immune system and immune response, vaccination stress, autoimmune, pathogen infection (parasites, virus, bacteria, fungi), chronic inflammation and Epstein Barr Virus.
Cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and reproductive pathways, leaky gut, mast cell activation, methylation pathways and burnout for adrenal fatigue.
Exploring and diffusing the stress held in the structural aspects of the body including the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and fascia.
Balancing chi flow through the use of acupressure and exploration of emotions in relation to the 5 elements, 14 main and 8 extraordinary meridians.
Balancing the body’s energy centres through the exploration of the major, minor and celestial chakra pathways and their connection to physiological imbalances.
Present at birth and developed during utero, primitive reflexes play an important role in our nervous system development and motor control. Stress can interrupt the natural progression from automatic to controlled reflexes, which can impact our neural function, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Powerful emotional exploration tools that explore past stress, patterns & archetypes, defence mechanisms and self-sabotage protocols. Spiritual protocols can provide strong grounding, clearing negative energies and how we surrogate and carry energy for others, which can deplete our own energies.