How Kinesiology Works
The Session
The session will commence with a chat about health complaints, stressful experiences or any area of your life or health you’d like to work on. Predominantly working with your arm muscles, I’ll apply gentle pressure, monitoring whether the muscle ‘locks’ or ‘unlocks’. This isn’t a gauge of muscle strength but rather a guide to what is causing you stress. Muscle monitoring or otherwise known as a biofeedback tool is the exchange of neurological messaging between the muscles and the central nervous system. Stress interrupts this flow, impacting how the muscles responds, providing us with feedback on what information is causing stress in the body. Through my protocols and tools, we’re able to further enquire and diffuse stress as we go through the session.
Connecting with your subconscious
Every session is unique. Through muscle monitoring and working with a particular issue, we are allowing your subconscious to guide us to what protocols, information and energy healing needs to be explored and the order of priority. Layer by layer we diffuse stress and release the hold it has on your health.