Are you living the life you want to live?

Are you living the life you want to live or are you living by someone else’s rules and values? Do you know what you really want? How often do you take the time to slow down, tune into your inner world, listen to your needs and act when the timing is right? The most important relationship we all need to develop is the relationship we have with ourselves, yet so many of us are too afraid to look.

How would your life transform if you could let go of external influence and pave your own unique path? To release the limiting beliefs you have about yourself and recognise them as false perceptions that are restricting your potential. To see yourself through the eyes of love, compassion and forgiveness, how that would change your relationship with life?

I’m at a place in my life now where I’m understanding what unconditional self-love and self-acceptance really means, how it feels in my body, the way it shifts my perception of life and empowers me. I’m not talking the superficial stuff. It’s easy to feel love for self when life is going great and you’re looking and feeling your personal best. I’m talking the ability to love and accept the self when things aren’t going so well. When life feels out of control, you’ve made regrettable decisions, and the universe appears to be conspiring against you. The ability to flow with the uncertainty and chaos, while maintaining a compassionate connection to the self is the ultimate test. 

I’ve felt the pain of seeing life through the lens of conditional self-love and struggle, feeling disconnected and disempowerment. I failed to create the space to figure out what I really wanted and explore what was stopping me from getting it. I gave my power away by putting too much value on the opinions of others rather than listening to my own guidance. This year I allowed myself the space to listen to what I really needed. I muted the external noise, actions and opinions of others. I went with the choice that lit up my heart rather than the practical choice.  I decided I wanted to live authentically and create a life that feels right for me. This process was a deep dive into the perceptions I had about myself and a stripping away of the old self. I worked with my body’s energy systems and Kinesiology tools and also sought help from other energy practitioners to support me in this process. It was a reconnection with my body, needs, desires and values, creating a new foundation to live by.

I decided I wanted to live authentically and create a life that feels right for me. This process was a deep dive into the perceptions I had about myself and a stripping away of the old self.

From this place I can see that life is full of opinions. People love to claim that they know, but there are too many mysteries in life that aren’t quantifiable. In my opinion it's the mystery that makes life beautiful. So, I decided to invest my energy into what I know to be true for me and how I want to live my life. These are heartfelt truths that come from a place of compassion and wanting to make the world a better place. I’ve acknowledged that there are many ways to live, and to allow others to choose how they live their life. All I can do is live with authenticity and share my learnings with those that are interested. For me, living my best life is about creating a solid relationship with myself and always looking within for guidance. It’s being able to recognise when something is out of balance. It's seeing that any health complaint is an invitation to create a better relationship with yourself. Healing is an inner transformational shift to self-awareness and self-empowerment. As Alberto Villoldo writes in his book Shaman, Healer, Sage “with healing we measure success by increased well-being, by a sense of newfound peace, empowerment, and a feeling of communion with all life.”

For you the most important thing is recognising what’s important to you and how you want to live your life. If you’re feeling stuck, unsure, disconnected, uninspired, unempowered, exhausted or lost, then this is definitely an important time to make some changes. Where can you create some space for some alone time to sit and contemplate, or just rest that busy mind? Turn off all tech and just be with yourself, allowing whatever feelings and sensations to arise. Bring awareness back to your breath whenever thoughts take over.

If this resonates and you’re feeling the need to reconnect back with self and curious about energy medicine, you might like to book in for a Kinesiology balance.


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